This dance drama is an attempt to capture the glory of Lord Krishna through dance and music in the form of ballet to an astonishing blend of music and Bharatanatyam. None has escaped the mysterious magical power of lord Krishna. Sri Krishna is the only world teacher. The great haridaasas, mystics and rishis has woven garlands of melodious music celebrating the land marks of achievements from infancy, boy hood through youth to a stage in Kurukshetra. In his childhood Krishna being a young, handsome, irresistible kid found everywhere in Gokula has led to many stories. Few instances to be mentioned are: the butter thief, the boy who lifted the Govardhana Mountain, the guy who stole the apparels of gopikas, the great divine dance on serpent Kalinga, and so on. Being an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Krishna has represented himself as a naughty kid, friend, brother, hero, savior, lover and so on. Krishna destroyed the evil in the world and upheld dharma.