The status of women in India has been subjected to many great changes over the past few millennia, with a decline in their status from the ancient through the medieval times till the modern times, to the promotion of their rights by many women reformers, the history of women has been eventful. Our country has witnessed many great women personalities. Few to be mentioned are: Aditi – the celestial mother who is well known as wife of sage Kashyapa, MeeraBai, Jana Bai, AkkaMahadevi, SahajoBai, DayaBai,Helavanakattegiriyamma etc. Few women poems, literatures, songs have paved the path of Bhakti yoga, as the means to liberation for a common man. Their poems are composed in simple dialects which make it easier to reach the people. Few have enlightened the people around the world by their devotional poems. This dance drama, Celebration of grace promotes such women empowerment where songs, poems, hymns and teachings of selected distinguished Indian women are presented.